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New BP!长沙新沸点!湘江智谷·东山湾国际新城规划设计启动全球招标
城市在进阶的过程中,必然会经历发展格局的变迁,尤以在全省奋力实施“三高四新”战略,全面推进高质量发展的时代背景之下。With the city moving forward, some transitions and evolution of development patterns will naturally occur, specially under the great historical background of carrying out “Three highlands & Four new missions” strategy and overall high-quality development plan through Hunan Province.
长沙在奋进中更新,滨江新城、梅溪湖、洋湖、大王山相继崛起,作为湘江新区核“芯”区和起步区的岳麓高新区也迎来新一轮发展机遇。With the rise of Binjiang New City, Meixi Lake, Yanghu Lake and Dawang Mountain, Changsha is now renewing itself by keeping advancing. As the Core Zone and the Start-up Area of Xiangjiang New Area, Yuelu High-Tech Zone will also meet its new round of development opportunities.
为贯彻落实习总书记考察湖南重要讲话精神,园区作为产业发展的主阵地,结合其“一主一特”产业定位,根据长沙市2021年“十四五”规划及2021年工作重点要求,作为长株潭一体化的核心区域,岳麓高新区为构建全方位、多层次、宽领域的区域合作发展新格局,发挥片区对长株潭一体化的引领带动和辐射服务功能,湘江智谷·东山湾国际新城被寄予时代发展厚望,乘势而生。In order to implement the General Secretary Xi’s important speech spirit of inspecting Hunan Province, as the main front position of industry development, Yuelu High-Tech Zone is growing with its “One Main & One Special” industry position and strategy. Based on the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Changsha city and its Key Priority Tasks Requirement released in 2021, as the core area of the Integration of ChangZhutan, Yuelu High-Tech Zone will build an all-around, multi-level, wide-range new pattern and structure of cooperative development. As a result, Xiangjiang Intelligence Valley ·Dongshanwan International New City who plays a key role of leading, driving, boosting, and functionalizing the urbanlization Integration of ChangZhutan, is now given high expectation for the development.
这座新城未来将呈现怎样的面貌?无疑成为了热议话题。What will this new city look like in the future? It has undoubtedly become a hot topic for people to talk about.
为了确保新城规划建设品质,充分挖掘片区发展优势,践行产城人融合发展理念,湘江智谷·东山湾国际新城概念规划及城市设计,现面向全球正式招标。In order to ensure the quality of the new city planning and construction, fully exploit the development advantages of the area, and practice the concept of integrated development of industry, city and people, Xiangjiang Intelligence Valley · Dongshanwan International New City concept planning and urban design is now open for global formal bidding.
01项目名称 Project Name
湘江智谷·东山湾国际新城概念规划及城市设计。The Conceptual planning and urban design proposals of Xiangjiang Intelligence Valley ·Dongshanwan International New City.
02规划范围 Planning Scope
1、概念规划范围:为望江路南侧长潭西高速与狮峰山围合区域,东至狮峰山,西至长潭西高速,北至望江路,总用地面积10.35平方公里。Conceptual Planning Scope: the area enclosed by Changtan West Highway and Shifeng Mountain on the south side of Wangjiang Road, east to Shifeng Mountain, west to Changtan West Highway and north to Wangjiang Road, with a total land area of 10.35 square kilometers.
2、城市设计范围:为望江路北片区域,东至靳江河,西至长潭西高速,南至望江路,北至三环线,总用地面积8平方公里。其中西侧3.37平方公里为现状建成区,以旧城风貌提升为主,东侧4.63平方公里为规划控制区,以新城风貌控制为主。Urban Design Scope: the north area of Wangjiang Road, east to Jinjiang River, west to Changtan West Highway, south to Wangjiang Road, north to the Third Ring Road, with a total land area of 8 square kilometers. Among them, the west-side 3.37 km2 old built-up area, which will mainly aim at transformation and improvement of old city; and the east-side 4.63 km2 planning-controlled area, which focuses on new city urbanization controlling.
03规划目标 Planning Goal
本次规划将运用国际化的视野,对标梅溪湖、洋湖等片区,充分挖掘片区优势,清晰定位,完善片区功能配套,落实新时期城市风貌管控的要求,提升片区整体品质,打造与国际新城定位匹配、独具魅力和地方特色的城市名片。The design should be based on the future trend of the international new city, use an international vision, benchmark Meixi Lake and Yang Lake, improve the area's functional support. In addition, the overall area planning should be in accordance with the requirements of new-period architecture and infrastructure regulations, targeting on quality improvement and international image shaping to create a unique city-card matching the positioning of the international new city, with unique charm and local characteristics.
(具体招标文件详情见网站链接)(See website link for details of specific tender documents)
未来,这里将运用国际化视野,打造具有前瞻性、战略性的概念规划和城市设计,统筹片区产业方向、用地布局、交通组织、生态景观、城市空间形态等城市功能,并从结构上、整体上合理谋篇布局,树立智慧国际新城形象,提升片区整体品质。In the future, the area will use an international vision, with a very forward-looking and strategic concept planning and urban design, to coordinate the industrial development, land layout, traffic organization, ecological landscape, urban space form and other urban functions of the area, and from the structure and overall reasonable layout, to establish the image of intelligent international new city and improve the overall quality of the area.
此次对外招标预示着,这座备受瞩目的新城建设正式拉开帷幕,长沙的智慧城市探索也将由蓝图变为实景图,未来城市新的价值“引爆点”亦浮出水面,片区的发展也将迎来新一轮契机。而随着建设铺开,届时将出现哪些令人惊叹的新变化,我们拭目以待。The open tender heralds the official opening of the construction of this much-anticipated new city, the exploration of Changsha's smart city will also be changed from a blueprint to a realistic picture, the future of the city's new value "trigger" has also surfaced, the development of the area will also usher in a new round of opportunities. It will be interesting to see what amazing new changes will take place as construction rolls out.